10 October 2024

I had to go door to door asking for help from my neighbours

“I faced many financial problems. My small business wasn’t doing well, which put a significant strain on me as the family’s breadwinner. Sometimes, I had to go door to door asking for help from my neighbours because we didn’t have enough food.

Some days, I’d wake up early to go and sell, but I’d come back home disappointed, having sold nothing all day. From the little I’d manage to sell, I would buy groceries, but they often lasted only a few days.


It was embarrassing for me and painful for my children to go through that. Attending church became uncomfortable because I felt ashamed of what I was going through.

I was given the blessed oil in the church and started using it as guided by the pastor. I anointed my business every day before going out. Since then, I have seen my business grow. Every day, I returned home having sold some goods.


Today, I am thrilled because my financial situation changed when I used the blessed oil in faith. My finances are now stable and I can provide for my family without asking anyone for help, because God provides for us,” said Boitumelo

Universal Church


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Universal Church